There is a DE FACTO world government taking shape: the IMF,
World Bank, G-7, OECD, GATT, now the WTO.
These are designed expressly to serve the interests of Transnational corporations,
banks and investment firms in a "new imperial age"....
"The most powerful countries in the North have become a
DE FACTO board of management for the world economy, protecting their interests
and imposing their will on the South...." The South Commission.
.......where governments are then left to face the wrath, even violence of their
own people, whose standards of living are being depressed for the sake of preserving
the present structure of wealth and power
A particularly valuable feature - from the North's point of view - of the rising DE FACTO governing institutions is their immunity from popular influence, even awareness They operate in secret, creating a world subordinated to the needs of investors, with the public "put in its place".....Noam Chomsky
These developments are regarded with consternation in the South - and the growing Third World at home should be worried too....
The strategy of the rich is clearly directed at strengthening more and more the economic institutions that operate outside the United Nations system...
These - the Bretton Woods institutions - World Bank, IMF, the rest - are marked by their undemocratic character, lack of transparency, and impotence in influencing the policies of the industrialized countries, whose dominant sector in reality they serve Luis Fernando Jamarillo
The World Trade Organization is aligning itself with the World bank and IMF in a New Institutional Trinity...tnrough which the industrialized countries MAKE THEIR OWN DEALS, OUTSIDE NORMAL CHANNELS, in G-7 meetings and elsewhere...
WTO no longer represents a general agreement among the member countries. It has transformed itself into an institution that forces the viewpoint of a few rich countries on the rest of the world...If we are to protect our future, we have to devise policies which suit US. We need to force our politicians to act in the national interest. We do not need the opinion of the new breed of economists doing the bidding of corporations....Devida Sharma GATT to WTO Seeds of Despair.
WHY IS THE NANOSTATE wasting our time applying to join the WTO???
Why isn't it helping us get it on for November 30 Seattle?